Aug 3, 2012

picture this...

You're standing on a street corner in Paris trying desperately to make sense of your enormous city map while holding onto a slippery mittened hand belonging to your three year old who wants to "go that way". Right now. Quickly you're folding it neatly back into shape, slipping it into your bag, and striding off pretending you're not a tourist. Sound familiar?

Crumpled City maps from Palomar look like they have the map folding part sorted. Don't fold it. Stuff it. Made to withstand the frantic folding/shoving/snatching that a map has to live through, these are tear proof making them fairly indestructable. They have a range for kids and an extensive range for adults. No more map snatching necessary.

Wish we'd had some last time we went overseas.
And they're on sale until 31st August. Just incase there is some travel in your families future!

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